What are some reasons to encapsulate?

Placenta encapsulation is believed to:
  • Enhance milk supply
  • Increase energy
  • Balance hormones
  • Combat fatigue
It may also help:
  • Shorten recovery time after birth
  • Shorten postpartum bleeding
  • Bring the body back into balance
  • Assist the uterus in returning to normal size
  • Prevent “baby blues” or postpartum depression
  • Increase your body’s iron levels
Studies have shown that the placenta is nutrient rich, high in iron, protein, vitamins and minerals as well as your own hormones, making it perfectly suited to your body’s needs during the postpartum period. Please keep in mind that each woman's body responds differently so not all benefits are guaranteed.

Dosage Guidelines:

Standard dosage is 1-2 capsules, 3 times per day for the first 2 weeks. After that, lower the dosage to 1-2 capsules per day and adjust as you feel your body needs. We encourage women to follow their body’s cues.

How long should I use my capsules?

The first two weeks postpartum are the most important and effective time to ingest the placenta. After that some women take one a day until they are gone, some women save some and take them only on days where they need a little extra something, and others save their leftover capsules until menopause. The choice will ultimately be up to you as to what you feel you need.

Is there a time I should not take placenta capsules?

Some experts believe that capsules should not be taken during times of cold, flu, or infection (including mastitis). The reason for this is that the placenta is very tonifying and can cause the pathogen to go deeper within the body and become stronger. It is suggested to avoid taking any capsules until any infection has cleared.

How do I store my capsules?

The capsules should be kept dry and stored in the refrigerator while being used. Any capsules remaining should be stored in the freezer for long term use.

How long does the process take?

On the first day that we receive your placenta we will prepare it for dehydration. Dehydration time varies, but this will roughly take 10 hours. The following day we will grind the dehydrated placenta into a fine powder and encapsulate. The entire process can take between 24-48 hours. If you have a hospital birth we prefer to complete this process in our homes so that it is ready by the time you are discharged from the hospital. If you are having a homebirth you have the option of having us take it to our homes or doing it at yours over a period of two days. The first day we would be in your kitchen for around 2 hours and we would come back the following day after the placenta is dehydrated to finish. If you have a preference on location just let us know.

What if I can’t afford it?

We try to keep our costs reasonable because we want everyone who desires to be able to use our services. We offer payment plans, package deals, and may consider bartering/ trading services. We are willing to work with you so please don’t let a price prevent you from contacting us!